WHAT HAPPENED IN 2020, 2021 & 2022

Unfortunately these are now the years that never were. Due to the Covid 19 pandemic and Brexit issues it was decided fairly early in the day that travel restrictions would come into play and prevent us from running the event. As things turned out it was a good call and prevented financial losses.


The same Mad-Ron you know and love, but with more epic-ness. In association with XL Lagares.

We have been keeping a secret and it’s been far from an easy decision. Holding the event in the Algarve has become problematic to such an extent that it is now impossible for us to operate in a responsible, bona fide way. Having been friends with the XL Lagares team from Porto for a while they have made it very easy for us to consider operating MadRon in a legitimate and professional manner there. The riding is amazing, more diverse and the format will be typically Mad-Ron. Porto is simple to fly to and very cultural, with fantastic hotels, food and bars allowing you to relax and have a great time. So the decision is made….PORTO it is.

Julian Rapp